News & Announcements
HUDSON, OH - We're getting the (alumni) band back together!
HUDSON, OH - Please take note of these important dates as we prepare to welcome back our Explorers for the 2024-2025 school year!
HUDSON, OH - Check out the HCSD calendar highlights as you prepare for the 2024-2025 school year!
HUDSON, OH - The 2024-2025 school year will be here before you know it! Please select your child(ren)'s school to ensure they have all the supplies needed to begin the new year.
Upcoming Events
Hudson By The Numbers
Number of Students
Number of Staff
Graduation Rate
Number of AP Courses
Number of Career Tech
5 Stars
Overall Rating on the Ohio State Report Card
Mission & Vision
The Hudson school community will unite to empower our students to achieve uncharted levels of success!
We provide an educational program that maximizes the intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of each child in a safe, nurturing, and diverse environment.