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Testing and Assessment

State of Ohio Student Assessments and Ohio’s New Learning Standards

Hudson City Schools 

Does the Hudson City School District have to follow the new Ohio Learning Standards?

The short answer is “no”, according to Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.) 3301.079 Academic Standards- Model Curriculum. The curriculum and how Hudson teachers instruct and the materials used are all the decisions of the Hudson City Schools. However,in this same section of O.R.C. requires assessments to be created at the state level based upon the state model curriculum and O.R.C. 3301.0715 District Board to Administer Diagnostic Assessments-Intervention, requires all public school districts to administer the state-developed assessments. The results of these assessments directly impact public school districts on their state report card ratings, teacher evaluation ratings and funding (state and federal). As a result, most (if not all) public school districts in Ohio use the new Ohio Learning Standards. Hudson adheres to the Ohio Learning Standards in all subject levels.

Can the Hudson City School District choose to administer a different student assessment than the ones prescribed by Ohio Revised Code?

No. See answer above for more details.


If I opt my child out of state testing, what negative consequences could that have on my child?

Third Grade: Third grade students must take the Ohio State Test in ELA to meet the requirements of the Third Grade Reading Guarantee.  If your child is in third grade, he/she must take and score at or above the designated score on the state reading assessment in order to be promoted to fourth grade. The only exceptions to this are students whose Individualized Education Teams have addressed the Third Grade Reading Guarantee in his/her IEP.  Students who do not meet Ohio's reading promotion score on the Ohio ELA OST test, will have the opportunity to take an alterative assessment to meet the promotion requirements. Hudson uses the Terra Nova and the iReady state-approved assessments as the alternative test. 

High School: If your child entered high school for the first time prior to July 1, 2014, he/she must take and pass all of the Ohio Graduation Tests (OGTs), in addition to other graduation requirements, in order to receive a high school diploma.

If your child entered high school on or after July 1, 2014, he/she must “take and reach the needed score on the tests for at least one graduation option” (Ohio Department of Education (ODE), 2015), in addition to other graduation requirements, in order to receive a high school diploma. Please see the Information on Student Participation in State Tests document created by the ODE for further details on the different graduation pathways. 

Middle School Students taking Algebra and Geometry: The new graduation requirements could impact students in grades 7 and 8 who are taking high school level mathematics courses, Algebra I and Geometry. The earned end of course exam (Ohio Test) will be part of the graduation pathway points accumulation. 

If I opt my child out of state testing, what negative consequences could that have for my child’s teacher(s), the principal, or the District?

O.R.C. 3319.112 Standards-Based State Framework for the Evaluation of Teachers and O.R.C. 3319.02 Assistant Superintendents and Other Administrators establishes that part of a teacher or principal’s evaluation is based upon student achievement, determined by student growth as measured by state assessments. Students who do not test will be counted as a zero (0) for accountability purposes, meaning they won’t be included in any growth calculation for evaluation. In the summer of 2015, the legislature provided "Safe Harbor" for teachers and principals in regards to the test results and the teacher evaluation process.

 As of January 2016, when students are opted out of tests their scores are counted as zeros which does impact the Local Report Card generated by the Ohio Department of Education and according to ORC.  The Local Report Card Grade will show lower "grades in growth and achievement" because the zeros count in our academic and growth reporting.  There is no "Safe Harbor."  

If I opt my child out of state testing, what negative consequences could that have for my child’s school district?

The following is taken from the ODE:

School Districts can not "approve" a family "opting out" of state testing. 

Districts and schools receive no credit when a student does not participate in the state testing, which can negatively impact a District’s state A-F report card ratings.

a.       Families and business often consult A-F report card ratings.

b.      These ratings also impact school choice programs, flexibility on how funding is spent, and which schools receive extra help from the state.

c.       If student participation in a district drops below 95% overall or for specific subgroups of students, the district could face new restrictions on how it spends its money pursuant to federal law.

d.      Teachers will not have access to advanced diagnostic information from state tests, such as student growth projections, to help inform instruction for students who do not take the state tests."

Why are state tests important?

ODE goes on to say that, "State tests are critical for measuring student learning and ensuring that all of Ohio's students receive a high-quality education. The results from state tests are how we hold districts, schools and teachers accountable.

"The results from state tests provide the public with much-needed information about how all students are performing. Student test scores are the foundation of Ohio's A-F school and district report cards, which are designed to show parents, taxpayers and school leaders how well students are performing.

"The report cards allow for apples to apples comparisons between schools as well as identify schools and districts that require additional support or interventions, such as:

"1. Offering more grant funding for struggling schools;

"2. Relieving high-performing schools and districts of some regulations;

"3. Creating school choice options, like charter schools and voucher programs; or

"4. Closing poor-performing schools. 

"Ohio also uses state tests as checkpoints for students to ensure they are ready for their next steps. The Third Grade Reading Guarantee makes sure students can read at grade level before moving on to the fourth grade. Ohio's new graduation options give flexibility to students on which state tests they use, but the tests ensure that students leave high school ready for college and a career."

Individuals with questions are invited to email


What provisions are in the law to protect my child’s data privacy?

Effective September 17, 2014, O.R.C. 3301.947 Privacy of Data during Testing states the following:

“Data collected in the course of testing under sections 3301.079, 3301.0710, 3301.0711, and 3301.0712 of the Revised Code shall be used for the sole purpose of measuring and improving the academic progress and needs of students, educators, school districts, and schools. In the course of such testing, no student's or a student's family's social security numbers, religious affiliation, political party affiliation, voting history, or biometric information shall be collected, tracked, housed with, reported to, or shared with any entity, including the federal or state government.”

In addition, you can read about the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) data privacy policies by clicking here.

What is the status of recently introduced Ohio House Bill 7, known as the Student Safe Harbor law?

Ohio House Bill 7 passed by a vote in the Ohio House of Representatives on Tuesday, February 10, 2015. Next, the bill moves to the Ohio Senate for consideration. 

Other Questions?

Please contact Dana Addis, Superintendent at 330-653-1216, or Angela Terella, Assistant Superintendent at 330-653-1217.



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Angela Terella 
Phone: 330-653-1217
Fax: 330-656-2292