Eflyer Approval Guidelines
Hudson City Schools cooperates with community groups and organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students by distributing materials electronically via Peachjar.
All requests for flyer distribution by outside community organizations must first be approved by the District Office. To request flyer approval, follow the steps below. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to all parents and posted online.
- IMPORTANT: Read the Flyer Approval Policies in the next section below
- Visit: www. Peachjar to register
- Upload your flyer for approval
Your flyer will automatically be submitted to the district office. District staff will review the material and approve or deny based on the standards described below. Peachjar charges a fee for this service to outside organizations that is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school.
The deadline to submit a flyer for the weekly Peachjar email is 9:00 a.m. Wednesday mornings. Submitted flyers will go through the approval process and then be included in the email on Friday morning. Each flyer will only be distributed one time.
Please note, there will not be a Peachjar email during the following weeks: Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, Spring Break and Summer Break.
All flyers to be distributed from an outside organization must:
- Originate from a non-profit organization with a valid 501c3 tax ID.
- Support Hudson City Schools mission and statement of purpose, directly benefit Hudson Schools students, or be of intrinsic value to students or their parents/guardians.
- Not directly conflict with Hudson or HCER programs.
- Not advocate a religious or a political viewpoint.
- Contain activities within the local geographic area
- Include the following disclaimer (exact wording)
This event/activity/program (choose one) is not sponsored by the Hudson City School District. Approval to distribute flyers is a community service and does not imply endorsement.
Flyers must NOT contain materials that:
- Are lewd, obscene, libelous, or slanderous.
- Incite students to commit unlawful acts, violate school rules, or disrupt the orderly operation of the schools.
- Promote any particular political interest, candidate, party or ballot measure.
- Proselytize or position the district on any side of a controversial issue.
- Discriminate against, attack or denigrate any group on account of gender, race, age, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability or other unlawful consideration.
- Promote the use or sale of materials or services that are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives, including but not limited to, materials or advertisements for tobacco, intoxicants, and movies or products unsuitable for children.
Paper Copies
Outside organizations will be able to make available a small stack of paper flyers, but they will need to FIRST have it uploaded and approved with Peachjar before doing so. Once the flyer is uploaded to Peachjar and it appears on school websites it is deemed approved. The organization can then give the flyers to the school office, where they will be made available at or near the front counter or in a literature rack. No paper copies will be given to teachers or staff to distribute to students for taking home.
Questions: Contact Communications at 330-653-1495.