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The communications team is responsible for keeping stakeholders informed of happenings within the Hudson City School District.  This is done in many ways, including the website, social media, quarterly newsletters, mass notifications, videos, media relations, partnerships, and event planning. We work with schools, parents and community groups to develop strong relationships to best serve our students.

The website provides information about all aspects of the school district.  This interactive tool contains the most up-to-date information about what is happening throughout the district.
Mobile App:
Download the free Mobile App from the Apple Store.  Search for "Hudson Schools Ohio" and look for the ship.
Social Media:
One of the best ways to receive immediate information is via the district's social media accounts.  Find us on Facebook (Hudson City Schools, Ohio), X (@hudsonohschools) & Instagram (hudsoncityschoolsohio).
Mass Notification:
Parents and guardians are in our mass notification system to receive timely emails and phone calls from the district.  In cases of emergency, this system is the best way to deliver messages to the thousands of contacts in our system.  
Media Relations: 
The Communications Manager works with local media to provide information/press releases on student achievements, special events, and interesting stories.  We also are the point of contact if there is an emergency situation within the district.
Crisis Communications: 
The Hudson City School District has a comprehensive crisis communications plan for the district.  The plan includes all aspects of school safety, including weather, illness, external threats, and potential violence.  In addition, the plan provides communication guidelines and crisis counseling for students and staff.
Special Events and Partnerships:
Celebrating student success is vital to building pride and unity in the community and schools.  Events held throughout the year help to build powerful partnerships with area businesses, parent organizations, and residents. 
HCTV (Hudson Cable TV):
The Hudson City School District partners with HCTV to provide "Hudson Connects Weekly" with the Superintendent.  HCTV provides the live stream and taping of the Board of Education meetings, and covers a variety of school events including athletics, concerts, and special programs.  HCTV's studio is located at Hudson High School.
Jennifer Reece
Manager of Communications & Alumni Outreach
Phone: 330-653-1495
Fax: 330-653-1474

Angelina Hake 
Communications Specialist 
Phone: 330-653-1363
Fax: 330-653-1474