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Technology Department Overview 

Hudson City Schools believes that 21st Century instruction is necessary for 21st Century learning. Providing students with an environment that fosters and encourages this belief is part of our core values. All members of our learning community hold the responsibility to value technology and achieve technological proficiency to prepare our students for future jobs, which currently may not exist.  Schools must challenge students with rigorous, personalized academic experiences, foster innovation and creativity, and embrace emerging technologies.

To receive assistance with a technology problem, please contact the department at 330-653-1400 or email

Tech Dept. Staff

Stephanie Swiderski

Technology Coordinator

Ted Lund

Network Manager

Kevin Chiwaki

Assistant Network Manager

Kristin Dages

Media Coordinator

Timothy Ellison

Technology Support

Jeff Gough

Hardware Specialist

DeAnn Jones

Technology Helpdesk

Chris Lerch

Technology Support

Renee McCabe

District Media Secretary

Amy Solkiewicz

Technology Support

Tricia Speck

Technology Support