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Sexting and Sextortion

Sextortion is an online crime that happens when a person coerces the victim to send explicit videos or photos, then threatens to share them publicly if they don’t get what they want- either money, more explicit images, or to meet in person. Typically, this is an adult posing as a same-aged peer and is unknown by the student.  Sextortion is a nationwide epidemic.

It is important to be educated about this topic and to talk with your children.  Also, we encourage families to check their child’s social media accounts to make sure they are staying safe. 

If you believe your child is a victim of this type of crime, contact the Hudson Police Department at 330-342-1800 and screenshot any information or images still remaining on the phone.

Learn more from Akron Children's Hospital ----> Sexting and sextortion: What parents need to know